February 25th - THE NEVER ENDING DAY!
531 miles ending with great rewards...
Well, I promised to give you the GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY. Well, so far you've had the good. Here's a little bad and some ugly. On February 25th around 10am we left our wonderful stay at the Holiday Inn Express well rested and ready for our adventure through Mexico. After breakfast we packed up and headed out. First thing we did was turn on our guide, the GPS, that we have successfully used this whole trip. Randall had tested it back home to make sure it would work providing us with "Mexican" maps . Well darn if it wouldn't turn on? Just when we really need it! So, we winged it with the maps I brought along for "just in case the GPS fails"! Being a mechanic, Randall really doesn't like it when equipment fails. So, finally he took it apart and, VOILA, it worked! However we found out that the maps don't list all the roads, neither does the GPS and the roads themselves are not clearly labeled. This all made navigation quite challenging! With the glare of the bright sun, I had to wear my sunglasses and my cheaters at the same time, one below the other, in order to compare maps! Later, we discovered that we ended up on some of the "non paying roads" in stead of the toll roads which may have been faster and easier to travel at times.
Does that eagle look like he's on "a road" to you?
Randall was feeling energetic so he did ALL of the driving. Thank goodness! I was the go to person for maps, food, drinks, etc. The children did school as they could. Now and then we were humored by what we might not expect too see if up in the US.
The roads were long stretches with arid flat land and lots of BLINDING sunshine! At moments you'd feel like your one side was on fire while the other side was frozen from the blast of the air conditioner?
We never really found a restaurant at the right time to stop, relax and have a quick lunch. Instead, we munched on the bags of trail mix I made for the journey.
Yes, going 70 plus miles an hour we found several of these "buses". Just the frame with a man strapped in(?) flying down the road !
We'll we decided to skip San Luis Potosi and keep moving onto San Miguel de Allende which wasn't the original plan of the day. Randall felt energetic so we continued onward to San Miguel. Some how it seemed that I was the only one really exhausted? Oh well, it was just a little nail biting when the sunset and we weren't quite sure we were on the right "back road" into San Miguel. For a while the GPS didn't show the road we were traveling. There was no full moon along with no street lights and not many other cars traveling down this long twining road to hopefully, San Miguel.
Yea! We arrived in the quaint lively town around 8:30pm! However, our next quest was to find the right hotel. As we searched driving, walking and trudging through the town, we were in awe of the glamorous cathedral which was luminous from top to bottom and flooded with patrons there for lent. The town was in full bloom. Perfect timing!
We discovered a gold mine of a hotel with dreamy views every where you looked. The day was well worth it's ending. Dinner was finally an option at 11pm. By midnight our journey was at an end with so much to look forward too the next day.