Just the adults decided to go on this quick excursion up to Canada. With back packs full of food(fresh fruit and veggies included), sleeping bags, tents, and other essentials, we were all set to hike and camp in Waterton Lake National Park which connects to Glacier National Park. All stocked up with food and drink supplies that we purposely bought in the US before we entered Canada was a good plan because as we suspected it's way cheaper here. At least we thought it was a good plan! So, from Whitefish on up through the outskirts of the two parks, the ride was glorious. Here's just a glimpse of a fabulous view on our route north:

Two unbelievable things happened to us on this trip. First we were informed about the absolutely outrageous pie that we just had to stop and have. It was at place called Two Sisters restaurant in a town called Babb. So we decided we just had to stop in and get the pie. Why not? Here we are in the middle of nowhere lallygagging along the highway admiring the views. All of the sudden we enter this little village called Babb, if you blink your through kind of thing. We see a sign for the best homemade PIE in town but don't see the name Two Sisters. We assume this must be it? With mouthwatering pies and a huge selection, we eat and we're off again. And as we drive maybe 1/4 of a mile down the road we see this sign:
"Darn!" We stopped at the wrong pie place! Now how could a village of maybe 50 people have 2 pie restaurants? Go figure! Of course it's not in Babb; it's just near Babb! Well it was unanimous that we stop here at the real homemade pie place, Two Sisters, on the way home.
Just a couple miles from the border, another hysterical thing happens. Ken, who by the way adores his fresh fruit, was all of the sudden panic stricken.
"Darn!" he says, "I always screw this up! We have all these oranges, apples, peaches, zucchini, Flathead cherry's etc. and we can't take these fresh fruit and veggies across the border! Darn!"
Randall to the rescue. He comes up with a great idea to salvage our produce.
"Let's just tie them up in the woods and come back for them on the way home. They'll be fine," says Randall. "I'll just set the GPS to mark this spot so we know where to stop on the way back. "
So we did. Jill, our trusty mentor, who has guided us across continents marked it as such :

So we arrive at the border on the Canadian side without our scrumptious produce. The security guy goes through the questions, do you have any alcohol, firearms, tobacco, drugs, bear spray, blah blah blah.... "No we don't" are our answers. We drive on through when it dawns on Ken first that he didn't ask for any fruits and veggies? "Darn! We could have kept them! "
So now we have the pie to eat again on the way home but first we need to locate and recover the produce in the woods! See the last picture on the post for the results. 8)
Before the hike we stopped at the Prince of Whales Hotel in Canada. Wow! Fabulous views and we were just in time for high tea. Not! At $30 a head and you can drink all the tea and pretty little snacks you wanted. So we just soaked up the atmosphere and moved on to our mission for the day.

Hiking into camp

Our camp site had not one other camper in site. We were kind of wondering why?

Randall built the fire.
We made dinner with our buffalo meat from Whitefish and our Canadian bought zucchini.

After dinner and before bed, we had to hang all food away from our tents for protection hoping to keep the bears away if one should pass by in the night.
Ken and Randall hoisted every tid bit of food and drinks up, up, and out of reach of the bears. As Janet says "a fed bear is a dead bear". Meaning if they find food, they'll come back to the same spot for more. If it's where campers go, the bears will eventually end up shot.
The morning view at our camp site was spectacular!

Janet and Ken made oatmeal for us for breakfast.
When we ran out of water, Janet filtered more from the lake water making it safe to drink. The carbon filter is capable of filtering out
Well it was about a 5 mile total hike that we did. Maybe 3 of it we did with the back packs on. For an excursion to a water fall, we hung our back packs in the trees to await our return.

Thank you to Jill! On the way home, Ken was able to find our loot of fruit and some zucchini!
One happy camper!