Monday, March 22, 2010

Random thoughts about the calm before the storm

The calm before the storm! In about 1 week, we will move next door to our neighbors home. A month later, we plan to pack it all up again to make the trek up north to visit friends and family in Hershey PA. Of course we do want to get all our "healthcare needs" done right before we go and might I add at a fraction of the cost in the USA. That means eye doctors, dentists, orthodontists, general physicals, chiropractic visits and blood work all need to be done now. My calendar looks like a coloring book using graph paper with tiny little squares!

So here we are relaxing at Casa Isabel ,a Boutique Hotel with a fabulous restaurant, my absolute favorite in Puerto Vallarta! I prefer the couch with coffee table seating offering a birds eye view of the ambiance inleu of the rail side tables and chairs for the "close up view".

The best time to be here is at sun set - phenomenal ambiance !!

These were fun :)
At my wits end with back problems that became chronic I was eagerly in search of good chiropractic care which sounds simple, huh? Just pick up a phone and make a call. But really in a foreign country even though there's resources with thousands of expats Canadian and American the simplest task can just take forever! After 7 years of living in foreign territories I understand this fact of culture. Luckily, after several failures to find the right guy, I stuck a GENIUS! He's even better than the several good ones I had in the states.

My Mexican chiropractic treatments have been first class with great theory and experience. He has treated women from the Ballet De Monterrey with great success. He has me doing specific pool exercises and floor exercises. Daily I'm caught marching in the pool like a robot in repeat motion. But hey - it's working. Including the huge vitamin B mega doses he requested that I get. Randall gave me 2 cc's of vitamin B complex in the butt for 5 days. Ouch!! But after day 2 my sciatic nerve was ecstatic!! I didn't realize how much pain I had been enduring for so long.

Taking time to savor the moments of beauty we find here in PV everyday.

Enjoying one of Randall's fantastic creative meals. He's really taken over the kitchen where ever we go. Yummy shrimp wellington....

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