The Grand Tetons...
Grand Tetons....
We made it to Andy and Sharon's(former cruising friends from the boat "It's Good") home, in the middle of no where, right outside of Yellow Stone National Park. We are standing in their driveway.
Andy and Sharon's home is off the grid. Just like living on the boat. Water and energy conservation is needed. But we should all do this all the time everyday and everywhere. This was just a good reminder of how valuable our resources are!
Here's their 425 gallon water jug they take to town in thier truck. Then haul it back to fill their 1000 gallon cistern.
Here's the generator they use to charge batteries to store energy for electricity. Similar to living on a boat!
The views were just incredible!
Wide open spaces that just went on and on with very few homes in sight... Snow capped mountains can be seen in the distance all around us.
Our morning coffee with peace and tranquility...
I love grilled veggies!
Morning walk in their back yard(many acres) to see what we could find....
Some poor guy's remains. We saw a many of these.
Randall and Andy just never stopped chatting. Two pilots in a pod!
Time to pack it all up again.
Here's the Map of the days trip from Montpelier, Idaho to Wapiti, Wyoming. We traveled from 10:30am to 5pm. The drive also took us through Yellow Stone. We stayed at Andy and Sharon's for about a week and made 2 more trips through Yellow Stone - just breathtaking views and wild animals everywhere!
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