Left the serene desert of Tuscon, Arizona after a quick stop for some beading supplies and headed south for the border. Only one glitch at customs and one "ass" gave us a minor delay. We stopped for 2 overnights one in Hermisillo and one in Los Mochis.
Into Nogales, Mexico we drove finding out that we had 21 km to go after we crossed "the border" in order to clear customs and immigration for ourselves, the car and the motorcycle. Seemed quite odd to us. But we kept going into Mexico as we asked many people to confirm the distance.
Little glitch occurred when we and they realized that both the car and the motor cycle were in Randall's name and neither in mine. The officials wanted a marriage license. Yea right! Like I even know where that is stored up North in my mother-in-laws basement in a box! You can only cross with the vehicle you are driving in your name or you need to prove your are married to drive your spouse's vehicle into their country. Problem solved when we figured out that we could just transfer the tittle of the car to me! In Mexico they didn't need any notary on the tittle. We just needed to sign the tittle in front of them transferring ownership to me. Problem solved! :)
Hello Mexico!
There are 2 seasons in Mexico, the wet and the dry. May through October being the rain season, I had told the kids when we left Mexico in June to note the parched dead like appearance of the foliage. As we entered we were in awe of the difference. Lush greens alive and surrounding us as we drove onward with area's still drenched sitting in a giant puddle.
You can only imagine how HOT it is now in the wet season. Here you see the locals cooling off a bit in the flooded river.
We were carrying a motor cycle tire in the back seat of the car since our visit in Sausalito. As we were traveling in Mexico the tire went from just fine to bad in no time. Which I understand is normal as tires go.

We pulled over at the "local tire shop". LOL Randall took the tire off as the guys peered over his shoulder to watch. Actually it was kind of them to help jack up the bike and offer some assistance. They did take the tire off the rim and put the new one on. We were back on the road in no time. While this is all happening, the man on the right you see below tried to
sell us perfume or a cell phone? No gracis, nada hoy! We smiled.

For lunch we all stopped together at a local taco stand similar to this one. Absolutely it was the most delicious taco I have had in a long time!

Driving through a town off the main highway desperately looking for fuel and getting all kinds of directions to nowhere! And then I run into a delay....

Then all of the sudden Randi and I were at a stand still with this ASS! Austin was peering behind to see if we dodged him.

Asado in the streets, smells like we're home again.

Here you can just hop into the bed of your pick up truck and go! But don't get pulled over with out your seat belt on when seated inside the truck or car? That would be illegal!
We are not the only Country with backward laws. :)

Elated when Randi and I saw this familiar man begging in the street as he did before. That meant we are almost to our new habitat. The never ending drive is soon over....

Okay we're here! One car, one motor cycle, two bicycles, one guitar, one viola, one amp, 2 back packs of beads, 2 boxes of jewelry, 2 back packs of books some for school, 3 lap tops, our clothes, shoes, toiletries, new tools, jars of whey, two tents, four sleeping bags and etc. Unloaded and dumped on the floors. Now to put the puzzle pieces away for a 6 month stay!