On the fast track now. But, we did manage to take some pictures as we traveled down highway 1 along the California Coast. Incredible majestic panoramic views as we hugged the highway coast on the mountains. Just before sunset, we arrived at a campsite called
Northbeach Campground part of a California State park right on the coast smack up against the beach.
Oh - I'm adding more pictures that I missed on the last post. So go back one day if you like, there's MORE of a story to tell!
Golden Gate bridge as we leave the Houseboat community in Sausalito, California.

Here we go on Highway 1 California.
I'm loving all the wild grass plumes surrounding the highway

Once in a while we stopped to take in the views!

Sometimes we just took the picture through the window. That's Randall and Austin ahead of us.

Notice the road below on the edge of the mountain curving around it. Most of the trip was like this.

Samantha, the GPS in the window below, was a new purchase in Montana. Randi and I needed one since Randall had the other water proof one for the bike. We always tried to put in the same waypoint so that if we ever became separated along the way, we'd end up at the same destination!

As I watched the sunset on the beach Randall and Randi blew up the air mattress using the exhaust from the motorbike. Saves lungs, blows up quickly and works like a charm. Remember McGiver on TV? That's Randall, really. We did this for every camp night!

Tomorrow is another day, but on highway 101?
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